The Pros vs Cons When It Comes to Self Storage for Business

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For many startup businesses, storage needs to be a priority. But seeing as startups usually struggle with tight budgets, the solution for storage can be problematic. Because how many entrepreneurs start their journey from home? And while the space at home might be enough at the start, can it sustain the business when it begins to develop?

Making smart choices during such early stages of a business can make all the difference. In this case, you could be thinking about renting a self-storage unit whether that’s the size of a locker or anything in between up to container storage. Many people and entrepreneurs are doing it already. But is it the right move for your business? To help you make the best decision, here is a comparison of the pros and cons of self-storage for your business.

The Cons of Self-Storage

Hard to Keep Things Organised

Storage units are great in the sense that they keep whatever you store safe. But they are not geared to help you keep everything organised or easy to find. Do not expect racks or anything else for that matter. So it is up to you to implement an inventory system and purchase racks or stackable boxes. And think long-term when you develop the system. What happens when you start storing at full capacity and need to find something specific?

Limitations to What Can Be Stored

It makes sense that safety measures have to be in place when renting a self-storage unit. But this also means you have to follow certain rules in terms of what you can store. For instance, you will not be able to store dangerous materials, plants, animals, weapons or unregistered vehicles. It is recommended to check the list of rules and how they apply to what you need to store. There is a slight chance you might have to consider an alternative storage solution.

Ongoing Cost

There is no denying the cost involved with self-storage units. But these are typically low, especially when compared to other storage spaces with the same level of security. Still, it is an expense that requires regular instalments if you want to keep using it. And the more space you need, the more it costs.

The Pros of Self-Storage

Now that the negative aspects have been covered, it is time to see if the pros can outweigh them. Here are some of the great things about renting a self-storage unit.

A Range of Size Options

Every person has different storage needs. Hence the reason why centres like us make a wide range of sizes available, to match just about any type of demand. You can also expect different shapes. For instance, do you only require a locker-sized unit or the space of a double garage?

It Allows Flexibility

One of the great things about self-storage units has to be the flexibility. This means there are no long-term commitments or contracts if you do not want them. Contracts can be as short as a week if you need it to be. So, the overall process is much less complicated.

You Can Easily Access the Unit

If you are worried about how often you will get access to the unit, rest assured there are centres that offer 24/7 entry. And if not 24/7, they are going to give you access for the better part of the day. How do you get access? Via a code or key, which you should not share with anyone. If you live close, a self-storage unit can be incredibly useful for your business.

Safety and Security

Security guards and modern systems (such as CCTV monitoring) usually come with the package. But in addition to external security for the things you store in the unit, you can trust the unit to keep everything safe from the elements.